To control the rate of growth of population and ultimately achieve the target of population stabilization i.e. the total fertility rate of 2.1 (family size of 2). Different activities being carried out under this programme are:
Permanent Sterilization of male and female through vasectomy or tubectomy or leproscopic sterilization.
Distribution of condoms and Oral Pills for spacing between two children.
Inserting Copper T to the eligible women.
Carrying out different IEC activities like holding meetings, distribution of pamphlets, rallies, hoardings.
Provide family planning services to all the beneficiaries free of cost. BPL (Below Poverty Line) and SC/ST beneficiaries/ acceptors are given an amount of Rs. 600 as compensation for sterilization and Rs. 250 to others as compensation for sterilization.
AIM and OBJECTIVE:To control the rate of growth of population and ultimately achieve the target of population stabilization i.e. the total fertility rate of 2.1 (family size of 2). Different activities being carried out under this programme are:
Provide family planning services to all the beneficiaries free of cost. BPL (Below Poverty Line) and SC/ST beneficiaries/ acceptors are given an amount of Rs. 600 as compensation for sterilization and Rs. 250 to others as compensation for sterilization.